
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) is a role within an organization that is responsible for ensuring the reliability, performance, and uptime of the company’s systems and applications. SREs work closely with development teams to design, build, and maintain scalable and reliable systems, and use a combination of software engineering and operations skills to improve the reliability and performance of the company’s systems.

Here are some tips for debugging as an SRE

  1. Gather as much information as possible : Before starting to debug, try to gather as much information as possible about the problem. This might include logs, error messages, system metrics, and any relevant configuration files.

  2. Break down the problem : Identify the specific component or subsystem that is causing the problem and focus on that. This will help you narrow down the scope of the problem and make it easier to troubleshoot.

  3. Use tools and resources : There are many tools and resources available to help with debugging, such as log analysis tools, monitoring systems, and system profiling tools. Make use of these to help identify the cause of the problem.

  4. Create test cases : Create test cases to help you isolate the problem and verify that it has been fixed. This will help you confirm that the problem has been resolved and ensure that it does not reoccur in the future.

  5. Collaborate with others : Don’t be afraid to ask for help or collaborate with others. Often, other people can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the problem, which can help you find a solution more quickly.

  6. Document your work : Document the steps you took to debug the problem and the solution you implemented. This will help you understand the problem better and make it easier to troubleshoot similar issues in the future.

Best Practices for SRE

  1. Monitor and alert on key performance indicators (KPIs) : Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for your systems and applications, and set up alerts to notify you when something goes wrong. This will help you quickly identify and resolve problems before they become critical.

  2. Automate repeatable tasks : Automate as many repeatable tasks as possible to reduce the risk of human error and improve efficiency. This might include tasks such as provisioning new servers, deploying code updates, or creating backups.

  3. Use version control : Use version control to manage and track changes to your systems and applications. This will help you easily roll back changes if something goes wrong, and make it easier to collaborate with other team members.

  4. Implement a change management process : Implement a change management process to ensure that all changes to your systems and applications are properly documented, tested, and reviewed before being deployed. This will help you minimize the risk of errors and downtime.

  5. Use testing and staging environments : Use testing and staging environments to validate changes before deploying them to production. This will help you identify and fix problems before they impact your users.

  6. Practice disaster recovery : Regularly practice disaster recovery scenarios to ensure that you are prepared to handle unexpected events. This might include backing up data, testing failover processes, and simulating outages.

  7. Document processes and procedures : Document processes and procedures for common tasks, such as troubleshooting, deployment, and maintenance. This will help you and other team members understand how your systems work and how to fix problems when they arise.

Here is a list of 100 Linux commands that a SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) might find useful, along with brief descriptions and code examples for each:

  1. ls - List directory contents
  1. cd - Change directory
    cd /path/to/directory
  1. pwd - Print working directory
  1. mkdir - Create a new directory
    mkdir new_directory
  1. rmdir - Remove a directory
    rmdir directory_to_remove
  1. cp - Copy files and directories
    cp file1 file2
    cp -r directory1 directory2
  1. mv - Move or rename files and directories
    mv file1 file2
    mv directory1 directory2
  1. rm - Remove files and directories
    rm file1 file2
    rm -r directory1 directory2
  1. touch - Create a new file or update the timestamp of an existing file
    touch new_file
  1. echo - Print a message or the value of a variable to the terminal
    echo "Hello, world!"
  1. cat - Display the contents of a file
    cat file1 file2
  1. less - View the contents of a file one page at a time
    less file
  1. head - Display the first few lines of a file
    head file
  1. tail - Display the last few lines of a file
    tail file
  1. grep - Search for a pattern in a file or stream
    grep "pattern" file
  1. find - Search for files and directories
    find /path/to/search -name "pattern"
  1. sort - Sort the lines of a file or stream
    sort file
  1. uniq - Remove duplicate lines from a file or stream
    sort file | uniq
  1. wc - Count the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file or stream
    wc file
  1. chmod - Change the permissions of a file or directory
    chmod u+x file
  1. chown - Change the owner of a file or directory
    chown owner:group file
  1. diff - Compare the contents of two files
    diff file1 file2
  1. patch - Apply a patch file to modify the contents of a file
    patch file < patch_file
  1. tar - Create or extract a tar archive
    tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2
    tar -xvf archive.tar
  1. gzip - Compress or decompress a file using gzip
    gzip file
    gunzip file.gz
  1. diff - Compare the contents of two files
    diff file1 file2
  1. curl - Transfer data using various network protocols
  1. wget - Download a file from the web
  1. scp - Securely copy files between hosts
    scp file user@remote:/path/to/destination
  1. rsync - Synchronize files and directories between hosts
    rsync -avz source/ user@remote:/path/to/destination/
  1. ssh - Connect to a remote host using a secure shell
    ssh user@remote
  1. ping - Test the reachability of a host
  1. traceroute - Trace the route packets take to a destination host
  1. nslookup - Query DNS to obtain information about a host
  1. dig - Query DNS to obtain detailed information about a host
  1. host - Query DNS to obtain information about a host
  1. whois - Look up information about a domain name or IP address
  1. nmap - Scan networks for hosts and services
    nmap -sS
  1. tcpdump - Capture and analyze network traffic
    tcpdump -i eth0
  1. nc - Connect to or listen for network connections
    nc -l 1234
    nc 80
  1. telnet - Connect to a remote host using the telnet protocol
    telnet 80
  1. ftp - Transfer files using the FTP protocol
  1. sftp - Transfer files securely using the SFTP protocol
    sftp user@remote
  1. rlogin - Connect to a remote host using the rlogin protocol
    rlogin user@remote
  1. rsh - Connect to a remote host using the rsh protocol
    rsh user@remote
  1. top - Display real-time information about running processes
  1. ps - Display information about running processes
    ps aux
  1. kill - Send a signal to a process to terminate it
    kill -9 12345
  1. killall - Terminate all processes with a specific name
    killall process_name
  1. nice - Run a program with a modified scheduling priority
    nice -n 19 command
  1. cron - Schedule tasks to be run automatically
    crontab -e
  1. at - Schedule a command to be run at a specific time
    at now +1 hour
  1. screen - Create and manage multiple terminal sessions
    screen -S session_name
  1. tmux - Create and manage multiple terminal sessions
    tmux new -s session_name
  1. htop - Display real-time information about running processes with a interactive interface
  1. iotop - Display real-time information about I/O usage by processes
  1. lsof - List open files and the processes that have them open
  1. df - Display information about available disk space
    df -h
  1. du - Estimate the space used by a file or directory
    du -sh /path/to/directory
  1. fuser - Identify processes using a specific file or filesystem
    fuser /path/to/file
  1. chroot - Change the root filesystem for a command or shell
    chroot /new/root command
  1. chkconfig - Manage system service startup links
    chkconfig --list
    chkconfig service_name on
  1. systemctl - Manage system services and daemons
    systemctl list-units
    systemctl start service_name
  1. service - Manage system services
    service --status-all
    service service_name start
  1. init - Manage system initialization and runlevel changes
    init 3
  1. reboot - Reboot the system
  1. shutdown - Shut down the system
    shutdown -h now
  1. date - Display or set the system date and time
    date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00"
  1. timedatectl - Manage the system time and timezones
    timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
  1. hwclock - Manage the system hardware clock
    hwclock --systohc
  1. ntpdate - Set the system clock using NTP
  1. ntpq - Query NTP servers
ntpq -p
  1. ntpd - Synchronize the system clock using NTP
    ntpd -q
  1. syslogd - System logging daemon
    syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf
  1. rsyslogd - Enhanced system logging daemon
    rsyslogd -f /etc/rsyslog.conf
  1. journalctl - Query and display the system journal
    journalctl -u service_name
  1. dmesg - Display kernel ring buffer messages
  1. ulimit - Control process resource limits
    ulimit -n 1024
  1. free - Display information about memory usage
    free -m
  1. vmstat - Display information about virtual memory usage
  1. iostat - Display information about I/O usage
  1. mpstat - Display information about CPU usage
  1. sar - Collect and report system performance statistics
  1. uptime - Display system uptime and load average
  1. last - Display information about previous logins
  1. w - Display information about logged in users
  1. who - Display information about logged in users
  1. finger - Display information about users
    finger user
  1. id - Display information about a user
    id user
  1. groups - Display the groups a user is a member of
    groups user
  1. passwd - Modify a user’s password
  1. adduser - Add a new user to the system
    adduser new_user
  1. useradd - Add a new user to the system
    useradd new_user
  1. deluser - Remove a user from the system
    deluser user
  1. userdel - Remove a user from the system
    userdel user
  1. groupadd - Add a new group to the system
    groupadd new_group
  1. groupdel - Remove a group from the system
    groupdel group
  1. visudo - Edit the sudoers file
  1. sudo - Execute a command with root privileges
    sudo command
  1. renice - Modify the scheduling priority of a running process
    renice -n 19 -p 12345